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The 17 Best Restaurant Franchising Deals
What does anyone look for in a business, franchised or not? They want
42 Fast-Food Brands to Watch in 2021
As this year’s QSR 50 showed, the biggest fast-food chains in America found
Thanks to COVID, Digital Potential is Now Limitless for Restaurants
Restaurants were already adopting new digital tools before the pandemic. But COVID-19
Jamba Rolls Out New Breakfast Items
Jamba launched new breakfast items include two Handwiches – Jamba’s take on the classic breakfast sandwich
Fast Forward: A Podcast from QSR Magazine
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced restaurants to rethink how they get their food
America’s 50 Biggest Fast-Food Chains
Call COVID-19 the great accelerant for quick-service restaurants.
The QSR 50: The Fast-Food Industry’s Leading Annual Report
A look at how the 50 biggest brands in America navigated the greatest